

Yellow Belt - Lean Six Sigma

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt Lean Six Sigma

Dompel medewerkers onder in een bad van kwaliteit en efficiëntie volgens internationaal gekende en erkende technieken. Een set van basisprincipes van Lean en Six Sigma, een probleemoplossende aanpak die tot doel heeft de kwaliteit en efficiëntie van processen te verbeteren. De training bestaat uit een 2-daags programma a.d.h.v. de vijf fasen van de DMAIC-methode.

In deze opleiding krijg je inzichten in zowel de Lean technieken als het Six Sigma principe.


Leidinggevenden, Kwaliteitsverantwoordelijken, Continuous Improvement verantwoordelijken


Op het einde van de opleiding:

  • heeft de deelnemer een goed beeld van de verschillende technieken
  • kan de organisatie een oordeel vellen over hoe dit programma breder en diepgaander uit te rollen in de organisatie
  • kunnen deelnemers vlotter begrijpen wat meer ervaren Green Belt of Black Belt Lean Six Sigma collega's concreet doen en kunnen ze meedraaien in projecten


Introduction: Lean and Six Sigma: what is it and were does it comes from?

  • History of Lean and Six Sigma
  • Basics of statistics: normal distribution – sampling
  • DMIAC approach for projects: simple and logical problem solving approach. Understanding and adhering to its simplistic nature is key to a successful Lean Six Sigma project
    • Project Charter, to summarize the findings of the DEFINE phase of the project. Scope, team, plan and validation of the project are included.


  • Define the problem to develop a clear project charter based on a real problem that is relevant to the customer, and that will provide significant benefits for the business. Set project goals and boundaries based on your knowledge of your organization’s business goals, customer needs, and the process that needs to be improved.
  • Tools:
  • Voice of the Customer (CTQ), listen to the customer and translate their needs to internal critical to quality characteristics
  • SIPOC, high level process map to ensure everyone understands the core process


  • Measure the process to understand and baseline the current performance of the process, through a set of relevant and robust measures (KPI’s). Pinpoint the location or source of problems as precisely as possible by building a factual understanding of existing process conditions and problems.
  • Tools:
    • Lean measures, defining value added versus non-value added activities and identify the 7+1 Lean wastes to improve processes
    • Data collection, deciding what to measure, how to record it. Data collection plan will define how much data to collect and how often.
    • MSA, Measurement System Analysis, to analyze in detail the method of collecting and performing measures, avoid using “suspected” data to start and analyze the project.


  • Analyze the process to find the root causes of the problem, and understand, quantify their effect on process performance. Develop theories of root causes, confirm the theories with data and finally identify the root cause(s) of the problem. Verified cause(s) will form the basis for solutions in the next phase.
  • Tools:
    • Process mapping (flow, swim lane diagram), visual representation of the current process steps used for detailed mapping of the real process to bring clarity in complex processes and visualize non-value added steps.
    • Value Stream Mapping, advanced form of process mapping, focusing on the process using the principles of Lean. “As Is” process focusing on material and data flows with additional data of different activities.
    • Spaghetti diagram, visualization of transport in departments or motion on workstations.
    • Workplace time and motion study, identifying visually value added versus non value activities and how to improve the workplace starting from the current state
    • Graphical analysis of data
      • Pareto, graphical visualization to display the relative importance of all data items. To identify 20% of the causes resulting in 80% of the problems.
      • Cause and effect diagram, visual tool to identify, explore, and graphically display possible causes related to a problem or condition.
      • 5* Why, to identify the root cause of a problem.


  • Improve the process to develop, select and implement the best solutions, with controlled risks. Demonstrate, with data, that the solutions solve the problem and lead to improvement. Develop, implement and evaluate solutions targeting the causes identified in the ANALYSE phase
  • Tools:
    • Target flow and spaghetti diagram, showing how the process could look like after improvement
    • Problem solving A4, 6 steps approach to eliminate root causes of a problem
    • 5S, method to create and keep order and cleanliness, resulting in improved safety, quality and efficiency in the workplace
    • Action plan, structured follow up of agreements made to improve, solve the problem, defining priorities and responsibilities.


  • Control the process to ensure the solutions are embedded, the process has robust controls, and the project has a clear closure. Make sure the problem stays fixed and to improve the methods further over time. Verify the results, document the new methods and provide training.
  • Tools:
    • POKA – YOKE, visual tools, mistake proofing to make it impossible to make a mistake or make the mistake immediately visible.
    • SPC charts, are tools to verify  and control a process over time. To plot time series enabling to show if the process is stable and the type of variation is what we expect.
    • Generate Standard Operating procedures, audits to check, to ensure that the solutions implemented become business as usual in order to remain effective over the long term.


  • 2-daagse open opleiding
  • Data volgende open opleiding:  vrijdag 14/03 & vrijdag 28/03
  • Telkens van 9u tot 17u
  • Locatie: Bedrijvencentrum De Punt, Kerkstraat 108, Gentbrugge
  • Prijs voor deze opleiding 
    • Eerste deelnemer: 1050 €
    • Vanaf tweede deelnemer zelfde bedrijf: 950 €
    • Incl. syllabus & broodjeslunch
  • Deze opleiding is ook beschikbaar als in-company klassikale sessie, met aanvullende opties voor hands-on coaching

Nood aan een nog diepgaandere opleiding om de kennis ook in de praktijk verder toe te passen tijdens een project? Dan bieden we ook de mogelijkheid aan voor een in-company 5-daagse Green Belt opleiding.